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News from the Portuguese Diversity Charter

We would like to share with you information about our upcoming activities. One of them is Women Engineers for a Day Project and the otherone is Divers_Idades: perspectives on age diversity in organizations.

date:  28/10/2020


Women Engineers for a Day Project – 4th edition is about to begin!

Women Engineers for a Day Project are an initiative of the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality with the mission to combat gender stereotypes and the subsequent sexual segregation in the professional choices, in particular, the absence of women in the engineering and technologies areas in schools, in order to deconstruct the idea that these are male domains. In total of the 3 editions, the project involved more than 7975 adolescents in more than 350 activities.

The 3rd edition had the participation of 25 schools and school groups, 43 partner companies and 11 entities of higher education, in addition to several municipalities, under the coordination of the Portuguese Diversity Charter (APPDI), The Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG), the Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, and Portuguese Engineers Orders.  

The 4th edition of the Project is about to start with a strong bet on the digital format, as a way of responding to the pandemic situation that the world is going through.

Divers_Idades: perspectives on age diversity in organizations

In the context of an international research partnership led by Professor Jürgen Deller (Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany), Eduardo Oliveira, professor at Faculty of Economics, University of Oporto, our signatory and associated entity, are working to provide a multilingual measurement instrument that helps organizations to improve the working conditions for aging workforces.

The Later Life Workplace Index (LLWI) aims to identify, and measure organizational practices and it is currently under validation procedures in Portugal. Initial findings suggest differences between public and private sector organizations and call the attention for the improvement of organizations’ institutionalized knowledge transfer efforts, as well as the need
for more developed transition to retirement schemes.

Thus, the Scientific Knowledge Working Group of APPDI is organizing a cycle of 3 webinars on the theme of Age Diversity, entitled Divers_Idades: perspectives on age diversity in organizations. The first webinar, with the title "Aging at work: Cannot be managed what is not measured", dated October 28, will have the interventions of Eduardo Oliveira and the sharing of good practices by entities signatory to the Portuguese Diversity Charter, such as Accenture Portugal. In the next year, the following webinars are planned: “Generational differences at workplace: Fake news?” and “The other side of the coin: when younger workers feel harmed by their age”.

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