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Official launch: Diversity Charter Cyprus

The Center for Social innovation (CSI), with the successful launch of the Diversity Charter Cyprus in September 2020, has been officially appointed as the EU official representative of the Diversity Charter Cyprus, which is part of the European Platform of Diversity Charters by the European Commission.

date:  28/10/2020


The official launch of the Diversity Charter Cyprus was successfully achieved within the framework of the 2nd Diversity in Business Conference 2020, which took place on the 25th September 2020, at Zappeion, Athens, Greece, with the participation of more than a hundred participants, and a variety of organizations, business and institutions from the public and private sector, as well as a wide range of local and international experts on the topic.

The conference was organized by OTE and KEAN (the official representative of the Diversity Charter Greece) in the framework of the actions of Diversity Charter Greece and examined the diversity and inclusion in the Greek and Cypriot workplace. International speakers and institutional actors from the European Union presented developments and examples from the global reality, while Institutional Representatives and high-ranking business executives highlighted issues concerning Greece and Cyprus.

The Diversity Charter Cyprus aims to promote social inclusion and ensure equal opportunities for all employees by fostering diversity thinking and implementation of inclusive practices in the Cypriot workplace. The Charters offers the knowledge, tools, training and skills to all its members, in order for them to develop and promote diverse and inclusive policies and practices to ensure equal opportunities for all employees in their workplace.

For more information about the Diversity Charter Cyprus, please visit the Center for Social Innovation official website: or the Diversity Charter Cyprus Facebook page:

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