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Results of the INNODIVERSITY INDEX 2019

On September 17, we virtually presented the results of the Innodiversity Index. A pioneering study that tries to measure "the organizational capacity to jointly manage diversity and innovation to improve competitiveness". This study was carried out by Fundación Diversidad and Fundación IE with the support of HP and Pfizer and in collaboration with the American Chamber of Commerce in Spain.

date:  26/10/2020


This index gathers the most relevant data in the management of diversity and innovation in Spanish companies, a call to action in these turbulent times and a pointer toward achieving business success. The sample came from the top 300 companies in Spain, of which 56% are large, 26% medium and 18% small. 22% of these enterprises are listed on the IBEX35 index of leading Spanish companies.

Here are some of the main findings of the study:

  • Large companies lead the development of innodiversity management, with a presence of around 34%, followed by small companies with 30% and medium companies with 26%.
  • More than 87% of the companies that have participated include the management of #gender diversity in their strategies.
  • The talent of people with #disabilities is the second most important area of interest with 72% of companies responding affirmatively.
  • 66% of companies report paying attention to the diversity of #senior talent.
  • Less interest is perceived in the management of #LGTBI talent, since more than 58% of the participating companies state that they do not pay particular attention to the management of this group.
  • Regarding the most relevant data in innovation management, 63% of companies do so, with regard to product / service, 61% manage innovation in processes and 58% of companies innovate in business model.
  • 34% of IBEX 35 companies, 30% of small businesses, and 26% of medium-sized enterprises in Spain lead innodiversity management.

One of the positive aspects the report highlights is the progress made by companies in measuring the results of their diversity policies.  In terms of gender, this is 62% of large companies; in people with disabilities, 47% of medium-sized companies; and 28% of large companies include measurement parameters for their policies in relation to senior and LGTBI talent.

As for the policies for the inclusion of equality parameters for recruitment and promotion, these are the most developed measures by companies for diversity of both gender and disability. In addition, training in new technologies for senior talent and the implementation of procedures to deal with possible cases of discrimination regarding LGTBI talent.

One of the most relevant aspects of the study is the role of technology as a driver of innovation. Technology drives product innovation in 90% of the companies surveyed, with process or business model innovation in 85% of the cases. It is therefore the first mechanism that generates innovation in Spanish companies.

This research shows that companies that manage diversity, innovation and jointly innodiversity, are more competitive. The results are a stimulus to continue working on the relationship between both environments and to seek better ways to coordinate these two elements, which have been positively demonstrated to favour competitiveness in Spanish companies.

The report has been developed using a research methodology based on the Innodiversity Tree, which allows companies to compare the management within their organizations in terms of diversity and innovation, taking advantage of the best practices developed by the most advanced companies in each field globally.

We are already working on the next InnoDiversity Index 2020 in Spain. We also hope in the future to be able to carry out the study at European level to have comparative data regional and over time.

To download the report


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