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Slovak online campaign to tackle discrimination in the workplace

The Pontis Foundation (Administrator of Slovak Diversity Charter) in cooperation with the Slovak National Center for Human Rights and the TRIAD advertising agency have launched an online campaign on October 19, 2020 calling on people in Slovakia to tackle discrimination in the workplace. The aim of the campaign is to point out the problem of bias at work coming from both colleagues and bosses.

date:  26/10/2020


Managers agree that diversity of people in work teams creates innovative ideas and new ways of solving problems. Nevertheless, many people face discrimination at work due to their family status, sexual orientation, disability or ethnic origin. The problem of prejudice is highlighted by the campaign Za pekné pondelky (For Better Mondays), which was created thanks to support from the European Union's Program for Rights, Equality and Citizenship.

The main pillar of the campaign is the hero video, which gives us the opportunity to see Monday morning of three different people - a young salesman with a disability, a middle-aged LGBT man and a woman - a working mother. They are not hindered by getting up in the morning, rushing or work duties. Mondays are demanding for them due to the constant allusions of colleagues to their health disadvantage, sexual orientation or gender, resp. motherhood. At the end of the video we can hear a call to action: “Let's face prejudice in the workplace. May we all have better Mondays.”

Through the campaign, we wanted to express something that unites us all, despite many differences. We found this parallel in Monday morning, which is often challenging for each of us. The campaign will be communicated mainly through social networks. Famous personalities and influencers have supported its idea.

The campaign also includes the website, which contains information for employees and employers. The Ambassadors of the campaign are Accenture, the City of Bratislava, Coca-Cola HBC Česko a Slovensko, DELL Slovakia, DenníkN, Fusakle, TESCO Stores SR, VSE Holding.

You can also watch our campaign video here:

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