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Charter Implementation Toolkit Update

As presented at our last Platform meeting, the Irish Diversity Charter is one of the ten Diversity Charters partnering and delivering the Diversity@Work project under the European Commission’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC). Along with Diversity Charter Estonia, (AfK Portugal are also a partner on this project) our Diversity Charter partners include Diversity Charter Croatia, Diversity Charter Czechia, Diversity Charter Poland, Diversity Charter Portugal, Diversity Charter Slovenia, Diversity Charter Slovakia and Diversity Charter Spain.

date:  26/10/2020


All partners have been busy collecting and sending us tools for review for the Charter Implementation Toolkit (CIT), which we are developing.

The (CIT), is being designed for use by personnel in the EU Diversity Charters in their work with diversity champions, i.e. professionals, senior and other managers in signatory or potential signatory organisations.

The task of gathering tools is on-going one, but at this stage we have collected and assessed 33 d&i  tools between September 2019 and June 2020.  At a full meeting of all partners in April 2020, we gave a presentation of the CIT prototype, that had been circulated and requested all partners feedback.

Individual meetings (virtual) have been facilitated with each of the  non-financial partners and in these sessions, partners gave feedback and agreed to submit descriptions of innovative activities that they are delivering. In this way the CIT has been developed into a ‘live’, up-to-date resource that will be used by the Diversity Charters to engage signatories and sell the diversity message into the future

The CIT is at the final drafting stages before the testing period, and we have been working on changes and adaptations that will facilitate virtual testing which takes place in the coming months.

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