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Follow the LAWtrain self-learning YouTube channel and watch the new PowToon videos

The project LAWtrain wants to share with us its self-learning YouTube channel and the new PowToon videos on EU Regulations no. 1215/2012 and 2201/2003.

date:  14/07/2020

The LAWtrain project is co-funded by the Justice programme. Coordinated by the University of Turin (Italy), the project is implemented in partnership with other six universities:

  • University Aix-Marseille (France)
  • Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (Germany)
  • Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
  • University of Passau (Germany)
  • University of Maribor (Slovenia)
  • SWPS University (Poland)

and in collaboration with the following bar associations: Consiglio dell’ordine degli avvocati di Lucca (Italy), Consiglio dell’ordine degli avvocati di Torino (Italy), Illustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid (Spain), Območni zbor OZS Ljubljana (Slovenia), OIRP Warszawa (Poland), Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Marseille (France) and Rechtsanwaltskammer München (Germany). 


In the 1st row, from the left: Elena d’Alessandro (Turin), Vincent Egea (Marseille), Eleonora Ebau (Turin), Paulina Tomaszewska and Katarzyna Antolak_Szymanski (Poland). In the 2nd row, from the left, Pietro Franzina (external evaluator), Gian Paolo Benedetti (Bar of Lucca), Matteo Lupano (Turin), Dennis Solomon (Passau), Wolfgang Hau (Munich). Unfortunately not present in the picture: Maria Luisa Villamarin (Spain), Vesna Rjiavec and Tjiasa Ivanc (Slovenia)

The project LAWtrain offers practice-oriented face-to-face training activities for lawyers and instruments for self-learning free of charge.

The face-to-face training modules focus on key topics of Regulation No 1215/2012 (Brussels I Recast Regulation), such as jurisdiction over cyber torts, jurisdiction on internet marketing and over consumers, cross-border interim and provisional measures, as well as key topics of Regulation No 2201/2003 (Brussels II bis Regulation), such as jurisdiction, lis alibi pendens, children’s hearing, fragmentation of the recognition and enforcement regimes.

Alongside the practice-oriented face-to-face training seminars and in order to facilitate the self-learning process, the consortium created an innovative set of PowToon self-learning videos in seven EU official languages on the topics covered by the face-to-face training. 

All the PowToon videos can be watched on the LAWtrain self-learning YouTube channel.

Very soon also an handbook of case-studies, drafted in English, will be freely available on the LAWtrain website.

Stay tuned!

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