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Get inspired by this nice attendance list with children’s drawings!

Have a look at this lovely attendance list! Many thanks to the project "Fairy tales"!

date:  14/07/2020

The project “Fairy tales -The Hidden gender messages in fairy tales. Let’s read the fairy tales up-side down” is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme and aims at preventing gender-based violence in the EU by disputing gender stereotypes from an early childhood.

The project is implemented in three EU Countries: Bulgaria, Greece and Italy and the partnership is composed of three organisations: Association Naia (project coordinator - Bulgaria), Defence for children international Italia (Italy) and Women's Center in Karditsa (Greece) which implements this good practice of creating attendance lists with children’s drawings.

We thank the consortium and, in particular, the Women's Center in Karditsa for giving us the opportunity to share with you this lovely attendance list.




Presence list for children
(299 KB - PDF)
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