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Polish Diversity Month 2020

On May 4 on Polish Diversity Charter's channels (website, social media, media partners) we launched a "Diversity Month 2020" which has ended at the end of May. The main topic that we focused on, was future of work, caring responsibilities and key challenges regarding to current situation on the labour market. It was completely online.

date:  08/07/2020



Polish Diversity Month 2020 was a series of podcasts, videos, interviews, essays and articles presented online during the whole month. We hosted experts from businesses, scholars, journalists, activitsts and social entrepreneurs. All the stuff we had published on this occasion was available (for free) to anyone interested in the area of D&I and other related topics. The business partner of Polish Diversity Month 2020 was Henkel Poland. We collaborated with medias concerning  labor market, marketing & PR and NGO topics.  The patron of our project was Polish Ombudsman.


Among all the materials we've produced you could find, for example, and interview with Luc Jacobs, Ambassador of Belgium to Poland:


We released also a publication „Courage and balance – polish work-life balance”. It contains expert articles about redefining terms such as "diversity", "inclusion", "diversity management" and so on. The second part concerns measuring  the effectiveness of D&I tools & projects. The purpose of the third part is to bring the reactions and comments encountered in public discourse on the Polish transposition of the EU Work-Life Balance Directive  closer to readers. And  to explain  how these provisions will affect the Polish Labor Code. Chapter four introduces the challenges and existing solutions in the field of work-life balance. There are also examples of good practices implemented in this area by business in Poland and how companies measure the effectiveness of these activities. The publication is available online for free:


Now we are to publish a final report of our research about carers’ roles in the family and men and women professional activity. It was conducted among 3000 workers. Our goal is to speak out in the discussion about polish transposition of the EU Work-life balance Directive.


On May 29 Responsible Business Forum in Poland published the second edition of Diversity & Inclusion Rating – a tool created by RBF (coordinator of Diversity Charter in Poland) and Deloitte. There are six companies included in the second edition of D&I Rating: Bank BPH, BNP Paribas Bank Polska, Citi, ING Poland, NatWest Poland and Pfizer Poland. We announced it online: 


See more on our website:   and Facebook: (it's in Polish only). 

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