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The 8th German Diversity Day

In spite of the corona virus and its impact on our lives, we have decided to organise our annual Diversity Day, just in a different format. It was a great success and we were joined by many of our signatories.

date:  08/07/2020


In recent months, society has faced serious challenges.

Lockdowns and related business disruptions, travel restrictions, school closures and other containment measures have had sudden and drastic impacts on workers and enterprises.

Many were introduced to new work models. Short-time working, and Home-office changed the everyday life of many employees, while workers providing essential services faced challenging circumstances. 

Everyone was impacted. Some more than others. Suddenly it was all about protecting lives, and for that, we all had to limit ourselves massively. Instead of busy streets, every city remained empty. Staying in touch and taking care of loved ones suddenly meant being online or on the phone. 

Challenging times for everyone. But if we look at the word crisis in its Greek roots, it can be understood as a turning point in a storyline or development. And suddenly it almost sounds like an invitation to change consciously and to help shape it actively. 

And that is why, despite the lockdown, we at the German Diversity Charter, decided to continue working on the 8th German Diversity Day.

To be a potent hopeful reminder, that especially in times of crisis, we need to come together and unite in diversity. 

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Accordingly, we published a new strategy on how to celebrate the German Diversity Day online. We offered a variety of "easy to use-" online tools, which we introduced by using social media and our newsletter. We strengthened our network and community by basically offering as much hands-on support as we could give. Reminding Companies, that now it's even more critical than ever, to stand up for a more inclusive work environment by showing solidarity. That now it's their chance to be part of something beautiful and hopeful even during times of uncertainty. 

And it paid off. On the 26th of May, over 700 organizations with more than 1.500 activities were organized on the German Diversity Day and showed #FlagforDiversity. All around Germany, the media covered diversity issues, raising awareness. A few channels dedicated their whole daily program around diversity issues to boost knowledge. With more than 1000 reports, we achieved a media reach of 450 million contacts. 

With our hashtags #DDT20, #FlaggefürVielfalt and #Vielfaltverbindet (united in diversity) we were trending on Twitter throughout the whole day and managed to reach over 40 Million Accounts. And our community proceeds to surprise us. Up to this day, organizations continue to post on social media using our hashtags, tagging our account or are reaching out to us directly.

It almost feels like the beginning of something new—a new appreciation of what makes us similar as well as different. People feel encouraged to look around themselves and take note of all the things that make them who they are.

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