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Diversity Month 2020

The Diversity Month and the events linked to it had to be unfortunately cancelled this year, but we still celebrated diversity throughout the EU. This section summarises the actions from the side of the European Commission, but this Newsletter will offer a lot of examples from the Charters' activities as well.

date:  06/07/2020


In light of the COVID19 pandemic, DG JUST had to adapt the plans for the Diversity Month 2020. You can read about them in detail in the enclosed Report.


  • To promote the Charters in the month of May we published social media posts on Twitter and Facebook highlighting the amazing solidarity actions that the signatories of the Charters have been doing since the start of the pandemic.
  • While most of the Diversity Charters planned to organise Diversity actions throughout the month of May, many of them had to cancel or postpone these activities until later in the year. However, where possible, the Charters transformed the planned activities into virtual format and the results are impressive. These activities and diversity events were often endorsed by the government representatives (e.g. Slovak President - Zuzana Caputova, German, government spokesperson and head of the Press and Information - Steffen Seibert,  Ms. Corinne Cahen, Minister of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region in Luxemburg). We highlighted and promoted these diversity activities with summary social posts in the first week of June.


Other contributions linked to the Diversity Month:

  • Video message by the Director of DG JUST Irena Moozova to the Czech Diversity Day event
  • Ms Moozova's foreword to a publication called “Diversity Management in Romanian published by the Romanian Diversity Charter”
  • Ms Moozova's nterview with the Diversity Charter in Luxembourg in the context of their “Diversity & Covid-19” series
  • Article on My IntraComm (Commission's internal news platform) on the 10th anniversary of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters



Report on Diversity Month 2020
(4.81 MB - PDF)
Solidarity actions summary
(3.63 MB - PDF)
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