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The 10th anniversary of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters

This year we mark the 10th anniversary of the EU Platform. And while we had to cancel the big celebratory event, we still made sure that this big occasion was celebrated as well as it could.

date:  06/07/2020


The anniversary was celebrated on the 29 April with a video message from the Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli and publication of a factsheet summarising the achievements of the Charters. Social media posts on Twitter and Facebook were  published by DG JUST and the Commissioner and shared by other DGs, Diversity Charters and their signatories.

The EU Platform of Diversity Charters celebrates 10 years of connecting companies, civil society and public institutions to promote and strengthen diversity and inclusion at the workplace. With over 12,000 signatories, representing over 16 million employees from across the EU, the Platform has brought about tangible results, such as the introduction of flexible hours policies to allow for better work-life balance or increased recruitment of people with disabilities. Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli said: “Charter companies and organisations have been the driving force behind measures making our workplaces and societies more inclusive, such as with the introduction of flexible hours for improved work-life balance, increased recruitment of people living with disabilities, training sessions on unconscious bias for recruiters and human resources professionals.”


Video of Commissioner Dalli:


Diversity Charters Factsheet
(585 KB - PDF)
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