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Integration of professional and personal life.

The III National Forum for Diversity and Inclusion, took place on October 28th and 29th, organized by the Portuguese Association for Diversity and Inclusion (APPDI – Associação Portuguesa para a Diversidade e Inclusão) on the theme of the integration of professional and personal life.

date:  06/07/2020

The opening session started with a few words by the Portuguese Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, Rosa Monteiro, followed by a recollection of who constitutes the founders and members of the board of APPDI, as well as the organizations that have already joined the newly created association.


There was also a symbolic session to welcome the new signatories of the Portuguese Charter for Diversity, adding to a total of 261 signatory organization. On this day, the second initiative of the Diversity Awards (Selo da Diversidade) was celebrated, aiming to distinguish organizations that carry out or foster practices framed in policies and strategies to promote diversity and equal opportunities at work.


In this second edition, 32 applications were received in the following categories: Commitment of top management and other hierarchical levels; Organizational culture; Recruitment, Selection and People Management Practices; Professional Development and Career Progression; Communication of the Charter and its Principles; Working Conditions and Accessibilities. After this ceremony, there was still time to share practices on the implementation of the Portuguese Toolkit by members of the Portuguese Charter for Diversity and APPDI.


On October 29, a topic of extreme relevance and current discussion in the work world was addressed - the integration of work and personal life. Considering that the integration of professional and personal life is impacted by cultural issues, some organizations presented their processes, working conditions and individual behaviours, practices and processes, while employees from other organizations shared their testimonials and individual perspectives.

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