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Coca Cola signs the Diversity Charter Greece

The last quarter of 2019 has been particularly critical and productive regarding the objectives of Diversity Charter Greece. We contacted important private companies and enterprises from a variety of sectors to encourage them to develop and implement diversity and inclusion policies. We introduced Diversity Charter Greece and its principles and we are happy to say that there is a growing interest in companies and organisations to promote diversity and inclusion. As a result, a lot of companies signed the Charter.

date:  06/07/2020

The Coca Cola Company is among the enterprises that have embraced Diversity Charter Greece! Both Coca Cola Hellas and Coca Cola 3E have joined Diversity Charter Greece. KEAN held two different meetings with top level executives where the company’s representatives signed Diversity Charter and we discussed Diversity and Inclusion values and prospects of further cooperation. We are already planning together an open-public awareness raising campaign on Diversity & Inclusion, as we believe them to be the driving force for the future of business and organisations.

Moreover, we are happy to announce the start of a new REC Programme, entitled “Embracing Diversity and Fostering Inclusion in the workplace (EMBRACIVE)”. We are partners with the Centre for European Constitutional Law, the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) in Athens and the Center for Social Innovation (CSI) in Cyprus. The objective of the project is to operationalise, support and promote diversity management in the business environment in Greece and Cyprus.

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