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A Strong Voice for Diversity in the Work Field

The German Diversity Charter published their Diversity Calendar 2020 and a New Publication for Internal Representatives of Workers’ Interests to Manage a Diverse Work Force.

date:  06/07/2020

Diveristy calendar


We released our annual Diversity Calendar, available in German and for the first time also in English. It provides an overview of important holidays of the five big world religions, but also of other dates relevant to our cause, such as the Christopher Street Day, or the International Intersex Awareness Day. The calendar is free to be downloaded in German and English from our website and can be easily imported to digital services, such as Google Calendar, so you’ll never miss a date again.


Here is the link to the English version:


And here is the link to the German version:


Shape Diversity Fairly. Diversity Management for Workforce Representatives

We also want to introduce our booklet Vielfalt fair gestalten. Diversity Management für betriebliche Interessensvertretungen (Shape Diversity Fairly. Diversity Management for Workforce Representatives) in which we highlight the importance of diversity in the work field, especially within workforce representatives. They play an important role in the execution of diversity-sensitive policies in a constantly changing world, as these representatives are crucial for the creation of an environment free of prejudice and bias.

Our society is now more diverse than ever; globalisation, demographic changes, and war are only a few of the reasons for a complex and always transforming reality which confronts us with unique challenges that must be addressed.

Our booklet gives a large array of information on the different diversity dimensions and helps representatives with ideas and advice on how to make use of the exciting new chance we see in diversity. In order to drive forward our aspirations of equal opportunities in the work field workforce representatives are vital partners on our way to a fair and diverse environment.

Just like the calendar, the brochure can be downloaded from our website and until now is only available in German. We are very excited about this new tool for companies who want to get involved in a just and diverse future and we hope that we can show them innovative ways in which they can reach these goals.

Here is the link to the booklet:



Vielfalt fair gestalten. Diver...
(1.50 MB - PDF)
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