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The global EU and UNICEF campaign hit more than 230 million news

The EU and UNICEF launched a global campaign on the social media platform Tik Tok to empower children and encourage them to speak up. The campaigned ended on the 20 November with more than 230 millions views.

date:  20/11/2019

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On 23 September, during UNGA high-level week in New York, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini launched the EU-UNICEF global campaign on rights of children, in the presence of UNICEF Executive Director, the Queen of Belgium, Irish Minister, and numerous young people.  

The conclusions of this campaign were drawn on the 20 of November during a High-level Conference organised by the European Parliament, in the presence of the Queen of Belgian, the EP President and a popular Spanish singer David Bisbal. The result of the campaign has been presented in the form of a case movie:  The case video was also shared with EU Delegations and posted in a shorter version on the relevant social media platforms.

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