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Workshop “Integration of migrants into the labour market”

On the 3rd of July, Italian partners of Work4Integration - Europe project organized a workshop on migration trends in Europe and the integration of migrants in the workplace. The event was open to HR, CSR and Diversity Manager.

date:  25/11/2019

Contact:  Italian Diversity Charter

After an introduction by Fondazione Sodalitas  and the presentation of the W4I-EU project, UNHCR outlined a scenario about refugees global trends, with a focus on Europe and Italy.

Then Soleterre’s lawyer presented the legal framework and problems in hiring migrants in Italy.

The second part of the workshop was dedicated to the presentation of best practices: 3 companies (2 big and a small one) illustrated their experience in employing foreign staff.

To better understand what problems companies face in hiring migrants, in the months prior to the workshop a questionnaire was distributed to a companies’ mailing list. Answers were meant to give a few hints on the topics to treat during the workshop.


Work4Integration - Europe project

The Work4Integration - Europe project, financed by AMIF fund, involves public, private, profit and non-profit actors from Italy, Sweden and Belgium in developing a comprehensive approach to support employment and vocational training, promoting the labour market integration of migrants.

In addition, it promotes exchanges between different national systems, in order to compare integration models and enhance their strengths.

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