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9th official signing session of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg "Managing language diversity for inclusion"

Multilingualism is considered one of the Grand-Duchy’s assets. It is also one of the most addressed topics among the signatories of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg’s diversity management policy. In order to understand the impact of language diversity and to find out how to value it within organizations, IMS Luxembourg invited Hélène Langinier - a teacher-researcher at the EM Strasbourg Business School, specialized in language diversity research - for its annual conference that took place yesterday evening at Mudam.

date:  25/11/2019

Contact:  Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg

Both a source of creativity and conflict, an organization’s language policy strongly depends on the context in which it evolves and affects all its HR aspects, such as recruitment and career development. In order to best value multilingualism within a company, Hélène Langinier highlighted how essential it was to define its language policy and to encourage innovative language practices such as translanguaging – combining several languages in one and the same sentence, or even creating new words. Tandem projects and the development of the employees’ intercultural skills allow to work towards better inclusion, provided to have the managers’ support. They have indeed a crucial role namely in the availability of flexible language training and the composition of diversified teams.


23 new organizations join the diversity promotion movement

Each year,  since the launch of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg in 2012, a signing session gathers the new organizations that want to officialise and mark the beginning of their commitment towards diversity. This 26 September, 23 organizations chose to publicly show their willingness to value and manage diversity during the official signing session organized by IMS, the Diversity Charter’s coordinator in Luxembourg. A total of 188 organisations are currently involved in promoting diversity in Luxembourg.

The evening was also the moment for IMS to present its new website, where  all the signatories’ best practices regarding diversity management are capitalized since 2012. This resource is available to anyone for free.

The signing session was opened by the minister for Family Affairs and Integration, and also the patron of the Diversity Charter, Corinne Cahen.

Welcome to :

  1. Arendt & Medernach
  2. Armacell International S.A.
  3. Banque Havilland
  4. CapFields
  5. Clifford Chance
  6. Crèche Les P’tits Bouchons
  7. Ebos Luxembourg
  8. Fédération Copas
  9. Fidelity International
  10. fr2s
  11. Groupe Nouvelles Perspectives
  12. Hines Luxembourg Sàrl
  14. John Deere Bank SA
  15. L.S.C. Engineering Group
  16. LSRS
  17. Luxnetwork
  18. Maltem Consulting
  19. Minusines S.A.
  20. PGIM Real Estate Luxembourg S.A.
  21. Schroeder & Associés
  22. SuperDrecksKëscht – Oeko Service Luxembourg SA
  23. TNP Luxembourg



IMS / Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg press contact

Amélie JEANNESSON / Communications Manager / +352 26 25 80 13 /

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