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Updates from the Diversity Charter Poland

date:  25/11/2019

Contact:  Diversity Charter Poland

Study visit in Luxembourg

With Diversity Charters Luxembourg and Netherlands, we organized a study visit to Luxembourg. The key topics of the meeting were work-life balance and wellbeing. First day each Charter presented its activities and the experts on the diversity issues concentrated on different objectives and consequences of well-managed work-life balance programs in the organisations. One of the conclusions was that the parental leaves as one of the work-life balance solutions play the special role in fighting against gender discrimination and gender stereotypes. All the Diversity Charters agreed with that fact. During the second day, the participants got to know the variety of good practices in the area of work-life balance from each country and shared their ideas during workshops. Study visits help to develop own know-how and inspire each other what took place also in Luxembourg.



“Equal Lives. Parenthood and caring in the workplace” study in Poland

Caring and parenting responsibilities are very important issue, especially in the context of demography in Europe (ageing society e.g.) and the new EU Work-life Balance Directive. Thus, as Responsible Business Forum in Poland (coordinator of Diversity Charter in Poland) we decided to carry out the research project concerning on caring responsibilities. An inspiration came from Business in the Community study “Equal Lives” research (see more: The launch of research report is scheduled for 14.02.2020 – February 14 is an annual anniversary of Diversity Charter in Poland.

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