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#EUvsDiscrimination in the workplace

In May 2019, the European Commission launched the #EUvsDiscrimination campaign to raise awareness about discrimination in the workplace and what the EU is doing to fight it.

date:  25/11/2019

EU law bans discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of age, sex, disability, ethnic or racial origin, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. Yet, not everyone is aware of his or her rights under EU law. The purpose of this campaign is to inform citizens about their rights when it comes to discrimination in the workplace.

The European Commission carries out this campaign through several means.

There is dedicated webpage under the Europa website: . On four different tabs, the website explains what discrimination in the workplace is. One tab focuses especially on reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. The website also guides visitors where to find their respective national equality bodies (see interactive map). There is a campaign leaflet to inform citizens, which is also available on the website.

Several videos have been created to communicate on discrimination in the workplace: one focuses on reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities and four other provide illustrative examples of discrimination.

Should you wish to take part actively in the campaign and further spread the information, we invite you to use the social media toolkit available on the website under the “related documents” section.  Please note that the whole website, leaflet, interactive map and social media toolkit are available in all the EU official languages.

Finally, as part of the campaign, the European Commission organises dedicated events focusing on reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities, and targeting employers. These events will take place in nine Member States chosen on the basis of the employment gap between persons with and without disabilities: Brussels (15 May 2019); Bucharest (7 June 2019); Warsaw (27 June 2019); Sofia (18 October 2019); Prague (6 December 2019); Vilnius (15 January 2020); Zagreb (24 February 2020), Budapest ( 24 February 2020), Dublin (20 march 2020). The objective of these events is to discuss the implementation of reasonable accommodation by employers and the challenges they encounter in their Member States. A guide of “success stories” will be created in the campaign, based on the feedback received by participants.

For more information on the campaign, send an e-mail to .

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