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Project: Alternative Family Care (ALFACA) II

The Alternative Family Care (ALFACA) II project was implemented between February 2018 and July 2019. Its main focus was at improving reception and care for unaccompanied children, by structurally increasing the quality and quantity of the family based care that can be offered to them. The project partners were based in the following countries: Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece and Italy. They were supported by the knowledge and experience available at Nidos, the Dutch guardianship institution for unaccompanied children and leading the project.

date:  01/06/2019

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During the project, practical knowledge about the state of the art on providing family based care for unaccompanied children is collected and shared with the participating countries. By improving the system of family based care, more children can placed in a family, which is also one of the goals of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

As well as giving the ALFACA training to the participating countries and five other Member States, the project results consist of five Country reports and recommendations on European level.

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