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Annual report on the implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - 2018

The European Commission published its annual report on how the EU institutions and Member States applied the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2018. In 2019 we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Charter’s entry into force.

date:  05/06/2019

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The report shows that the Charter continues asserting itself as a key instrument to make fundamental rights a reality in people’s lives. 

Over the ten years, the EU has adopted many initiatives protecting and promoting people’s Charter rights and references to the Charter by the European Court of Justice have increased substantially. National courts are also referring to the Charter in their decisions and increasingly asking the European Court of Justice for guidance. The role of the courts is key in ensuring that the Charter delivers for everyone.

 The Charter is nevertheless still not used to its full potential, especially at national level and awareness remains low, as shown by a Eurobarometer survey published on 5 June 2019.

The report underlines the importance of civil society organisations and rights defenders in raising awareness of the Charter rights and ensuring that everyone can effectively enjoy them.

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