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New Branch in the south of Sweden with updated event format

During last year, Diversity Charter Sweden started a branch in Gothenburg. The response from Signatories has been so good we decided to try to open in Malmoe as well.

date:  28/06/2019

Contact:  Swedish Diversity Charter

A-Search, Signatory and one of Diversity Charter Sweden’s initiators has taken lead of arranging Friday learnings, our monthly events, in the south of Sweden. The first Friday learning was held on 22 May, and the topic for that event was diverse and inclusive communication. Next event in the south of Sweden is planned for September 2019.

After a survey, we have changed the format of our Friday learnings to better meet our Signatories' desire for exchange of experience. This has made the events even more popular than before and the visitors are more involved in the discussions. The goal is to further develop these events to become true  hubs for knowledge and experience for our Signatories.

The following Friday learnings have been conducted during 2019:


  • Measuring diversity: What can we and are allowed to measure, and how can we work with the result?
  • How to cure ageism.
  • Inclusive leadership, how difficult can it be?
  • How do we get new arrivals into the labor market?


  • Religious expressions at work. What is allowed?
  • How do we create a trans-inclusive workplace?


  • If you can see it, you can be it. How to create diverse and inclusive communication.
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