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Project on capacity building for lawyers representing children in migration

This project is based on training modules that were developed as part of the EU-funded project FAIR (Fostering Access to Immigrant children’s Rights) project to help lawyers when representing migrant children and to increase their knowledge of the rights of the migrant children, to increase their understanding of the use of international redress mechanisms for violations of human rights of migrant children and give some advice on how to effectively communicate with child clients.

date:  29/05/2019

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The materials include the following training modules:

  • Guiding principles and definitions
  • Access to fair procedures including the right to be heard and to participate in proceedings
  • Access to justice in detention
  • Access to justice for economic, social and cultural rights
  • Access to justice in the protection of their right to private and family life
  • Redress through international human rights bodies and mechanisms
  • Practical handbook for lawyers when representing a child

These materials have been used in national trainings for lawyers organised by the ICJ-EI in Spain, Italy, Greece, Malta, Bulgaria, Ireland and Germany and include also practical training tools, such as case studies and warm-up questionnaires to guide possible future trainings.

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