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Welcome to Latvian and Lithuanian Diversity Charters!

Latvian and Lithuanian Diversity Charters become 22nd and 23rd in Europe to join the EU Platform of Diversity Charters.

date:  11/04/2019


The last six months have been very promising towards building more inclusive workplaces and societies in Europe as two more diversity charters were launched and joined the EU Platform of Diversity Charters - the Lithuanian Diversity Charter on 3 October 2018 and the Latvian Diversity Charter on 12 February 2019. Both of these charters were signed by almost 30 organisations at their launch events.

Diversity Development Group and SOPA from Lithuania and Open Centre from Latvia, who are coordinating their respective diversity charters, are part of the consortium of project DIMAIN. The project received funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union to promote diversity management and social inclusion, and ensure equal opportunities for all in the workplace through fostering diversity thinking and implementation of inclusive practices in the companies and organisations. One of the activities in the project is also to launch, host and manage national Diversity Charter.


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