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Campaign #FlaggefürVielfalt - let’s jointly set an example for diversity!

In times when diversity is called into question, as an employer initiative the German Diversity Charter saw it as even more her responsibility to communicate her common values to the outside world: all employees should be valued – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or worldview, physical and mental ability, age, sexual orientation and identity. The initiative is convinced that mixed teams come up with better solutions and make any organisation more successful. The German Diversity Charter, her members and signatories, with the Campaign #FlaggefürVielfalt wanted to highlight that they stand by this conviction.

date:  11/04/2019

Contact:  The German Diversity Charter


So given the current situation in Germany and in many European countries, the initiative increasingly saw the need to fly the flag of diversity - that is the meaning of the campaign slogan #FlaggefürVielfalt”.

What is the significance of recent events for the working world:

The perceived right-wing populist tendencies may appear at first as primarily a societal and political problem, but in fact the right-wing sentiment also affects the working world:

  • Employees can be prevented from developing their potential
  • The organisation can be negatively affected in its work
  • Influence on the locational factors of Germany → downturns in infrastructure, loss in attractiveness for potential specialist staff, decrease in purchasing power by customers and loss of customer bases

The German Charter gave all signatories 6 good reasons to take part now in the #FlaggefürVielfalt campaign and fly the flag of diversity:

  • You position yourself as being for diversity. The commitment to diversity reflects the prevailing attitude of our society and must be disseminated and defended more loudly.
  • You send a positive signal to customers, business partners and employees: Your commitment to diversity and your involvement in the area of diversity management becomes clear with a public positioning.
  • You strengthen Germany as a business location. A joint, public positioning of companies and organisations enhances our economy’s success and stability.
  • You are part of a strong movement. Concerted action has the advantage that your message is louder and you are more visible.
  • You promote your organisation’s image. You increase your organisation’s attractiveness – both for customers and for employees:
  • You take responsibility. With your active positioning you are a role model for employees, many other organisations and society.

How did the signatories of the German Diversity charter take part in the campaign and flew their flag for diversity?

They placed a short statement from their CEO, board, top managers with the hashtag #FlaggefürVielfalt in social media. They also motivated their employees to become part of the campaign and publish a statement on their social media channels.

Until now about 300 companies took part and the campaign reached more than 26 million people.

#FlaggefürVielfalt continues in 2019 and now awaits you!

Let’s jointly set an example for diversity! Take part and tell us on social media why you fly your flag for diversity and add #FlaggefürVielfalt

You find more information and our social media wall on

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