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Diversity Charter Ireland: What are we doing?

In the shadow of Brexit-Old and New Re-connection at D.C.I. and Migration Integration in, Action- Irish Migration Case Studies

date:  09/04/2019


This month Diversity Charter Ireland is presently undergoing a root and branch reconnection with the fifty six signatories. It is now seven years since the induction of the Irish Charter to the E.U. diversity charter and a lot has changed since then.  The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, many organisations who signed in the early days of the charter understandably have moved on or retired. Secondly, in the shadow of Brexit, this is a chance to re-engage with the new D&I  leads and explore the issues relevant to them. We are undertaking a root and branch overview of how we work side by side with our signatories. We need to determine what is relevant to each organisation on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

By extension this feeds into the national narrative. We are also delighted to be partnering with the ‘Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration’ at the Department of Justice. The Department is keen to see Diversity Charter Ireland signatory organisations support employment opportunities for refugees, travellers and people with disabilities. The project will deliver on section 56 of the Migrant Integration Strategy – “A Blueprint for the Future”. This seeks to encourage the business sector to support greater migrant integration within the national workforce. We aim to carry out a research survey of signatories to Diversity Charter Ireland to establish the range of integration strategies being delivered.

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