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Open call for proposals for training national judges in EU competition law

The Commission has published a call for proposals for training national judges in EU competition law. The call is managed by DG COMP and addresses judges dealing with competition cases at national level. This also includes prosecutors, apprentice national judges and the staff of judges’ offices or national courts in countries that are eligible under the 2014 2020 Justice programme.

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Deadline:  15/04/2019


The purpose of the call is to co-finance projects aimed at improving knowledge of EU competition law and its application and interpretation.

Priority topics include the application of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, Directive 2014/104/EU on antitrust damages actions, the economic principles of competition law, State aid and competition law in regulated industries and digital markets.

Preference will be given to projects that offer training courses at successive levels, complement what is currently on offer or take an innovative approach, and projects involving training for judges from several Member States, thus encouraging cross-border networking.

The deadline for applications is 15 April 2019.

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