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A call for independent and effective equality bodies. Commission adopts a Recommendation on Standards for Equality Bodies.

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Tackling discrimination

date:  30/05/2018

Today, the Commission is recommending a set of measures for Member States to strengthen the equality bodies' fight against discrimination and protection of victims of discrimination. The Recommendation advises Member States to guarantee the effectiveness, independence and coordination of equality bodies. Member States should ensure these bodies have the necessary resources to cover discrimination on grounds such as sex, race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. By the adoption of the Recommendation, the European Commission also aims for a better awareness-raising about the role of equality bodies, as well as for improving how citizens can access them and exercise their rights in case of discrimination.

  • Text of the Commission Recommendation on Standards for Equality Bodies [pdf doc to be attached as the publication in OJ will be done a bit later]
  • Press release [link]
  • Targeted Public Consultation [link to the website and summary report]


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