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Capital Markets Union: Proposal on assignment of claims

The assignment of a claim refers to a situation where a creditor transfers the right to claim a debt to another person in exchange of a payment.

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Civil Justice

date:  12/03/2018

This system is used by companies to obtain liquidity and access credit. At the moment, there is no legal certainty as to which national law applies when determining who owns a claim after it has been assigned in a cross-border case.

Today, the Commission has proposed new rules to clarify according to which law such disputes are resolved: as a general rule, the law of the country where creditors have their habitual residence would apply, regardless of which Member State’s courts or authorities examine the case. This proposal will promote cross-border investment, access to cheaper credit and prevent systemic risks.

Vera Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality said: "The new rules will facilitate access to credit by SMEs and promote cross-border investment. We want to provide legal certainty and remove legal risks in cross-border assignments of claims as well as in transactions that are important for SME funding."

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