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Launch of call for experts for group on liability and new technologies

Today, the European Commission is launching a call for experts for a group on liability and new technologies.

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Civil Justice

date:  09/03/2018

The Expert Group will work in two formations: a Product Liability Directive formation managed by DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW) and a New Technologies formation managed by DG GROW, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) and DG Justice and Consumers (JUST).

New technologies such as artificial intelligence, advanced robotics and the Internet of Things bring enormous opportunities in various fields - transport, healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing to name but a few. At the same time they could raise challenges related to liability, which is why the Commission wants to initiate a discussion on the way forward.  

The main tasks of the Expert Group will be to provide the Commission with expertise on the applicability of the Product Liability Directive to traditional products, new technologies and new societal challenges (Product Liability Directive formation) and, in light of an assessment of the existing liability schemes, assist the Commission in developing principles that can serve as guidelines for possible adaptations of applicable laws at EU and national level relating to new technologies (New Technologies formation).

The deadline for application is 30 April 2018.

We look forward to receiving your applications.

For more information

Call for experts


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