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Release of two non discrimination publications

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Tackling discrimination

date:  12/01/2018

The 2017 comparative analysis of non-discrimination in Europe compares and contrasts non-discrimination law in the 28 EU Member States, four EU candidate countries (namely the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey) and the EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).

The analysis presents the general trends in European anti-discrimination policy and points out some of the remaining dilemmas in the application of anti-discrimination legislation. It gives an overview of the main substantive issues in both directives: the grounds of discrimination, the definition of grounds and scope, exceptions to the principle of equal treatment and positive action, access to justice and effective enforcement, and Equality Bodies.


The second 2017 issue of the European Equality Law Review provides an overview of the latest legislative, policy, and case-law developments from 1 January to 30 June 2017 in the fields of non-discrimination and gender equality in 35 countries.

The Law Review furthermore contains an overview of non-discrimination and gender equality case-law from the CJEU and the ECtHR within the same time-frame.

It also contains four in-depth articles on the following topics

  • mandatory retirement age(s) in Germany from the perspective of the prohibition of age discrimination.
  • collection of equality data in the EU by analysing the legal frameworks, practices and key issues arising in all EU Member States
  • support provided at the EU and the national level to self-employed workers in the EU to create a better work-life balance
  • the scope for non-discrimination and equality related considerations in the EU legal framework on public procurement
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