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European Day of Justice 2017

Today is the European Day of Justice. The aim is to bring justice closer to all European citizens. It Citizens can find out about their rights and the available tools in place for facilitating access to cross-border justice. It also serves to raise awareness of EU law among legal practitioners.

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Effective justice

date:  25/10/2017

Events are happening across the EU in schools and court rooms to allow people to ask their questions and learn more about their rights.

To mark the European Day of Justice, Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality released the following video message.

Events happening around Europe can be found on the Council of Europe page.

Under the European Day of Justice, the Council of Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) is organising the Notaries of Europe Open Days. For more information visit the Open Days webpage.

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