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Report: Digital Competences for Consumers – a reference framework for education and consumer policy professionals

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Consumer policy

date:  20/04/2017

The Digital Competence Framework for Consumers is a reference framework for education and consumer policy professionals. It describes the competences consumers need to operate actively, safely and assertively in digital markets in terms of learning outcomes. It outlines 14 competences and gives examples of each competence in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Digital marketplaces provide a plethora of opportunities and risks for consumers. To engage actively, safely and assertively in digital marketplaces, consumers need new competences, to acquire specific knowledge, skills and attitudes. Consumers with digital competences are more empowered to draw the benefits and manage the risks of digital markets; empowered consumers contribute to the efficiency of these markets.

Promoting the acquisition of digital skills by citizens and consumers is therefore a crucial element of the EU's Digital Single Market Strategy and its New Skills Agenda. It is fully recognized that market failures and new or emerging market practices may require policy responses, including legislative ones, to protect all consumers.

DigCompConsumers is a joint initiative of DG Justice and Consumers and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission.

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