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Release of the 2016 annual report on the European alert system for dangerous products

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Consumer policy

date:  16/03/2017

The Rapid Alert System 2016 annual report will be released at a media event that will take place this Thursday 16 March at approximately 11.30 am.  Commissioner Jourova, responsible for Justice and Consumers affairs, will present the report. A small exhibition will also show some notified products, which were sent with the kind cooperation of the national authorities. The report, together with other supporting communication material, will be published shortly after the event on the Rapid Alert System Statistics and reports webpage.

Since 2003, the Rapid Alert System ensures that information about dangerous non-food products withdrawn from the market and/or recalled anywhere in Europe is quickly circulated between Member States and the European Commission. This way, appropriate follow-up action (ban/stop of sales, withdrawal, recall or import rejection by Customs authorities) can be taken everywhere in the EU.

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