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Working together at the regional and local level to promote EU citizenship rights

Conference on EU Citizenship in Oviedo

date:  23/09/2016

Today, 23 September 2016, a conference on EU Citizenship is co-organised by the European Commission with the CIVEX (Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External affairs) Commission of the Committee of the Regions in Oviedo, Spain. This event was an opportunity to engage with representatives of regional and local government, and other interested stakeholders, and look together at ways of promoting EU citizenship rights, values and involvement. Francisco Fonseca Morillo, Deputy Director-General for Justice and Consumers, opened the Conference speaking alongside Javier Fernández, the President of the Principality of Asturias which hosted the event at the Hotel de la Reconquista. Focus was on specific ways of enhancing awareness of Union citizenship rights as well as promoting democratic and civic participation and EU common values.

The discussions will stress the willingness to cooperate with the Member States also at regional and local level and will feed into the work of the Commission's 2016 EU citizenship report.

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