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Public consultation on possible action addressing the challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers

Related topics

Gender equality

date:  18/10/2015 - 17/02/2016



The questionnaire will be available in 23 languages of the EU, as of 25 November.

Policy field(s)

  • Gender equality
  • Justice
  • Employment
  • Health
  • Taxation

Target groups

We welcome contributions from all citizens, organizations and public authorities.

Period of consultation

This public consultation is open from 18/11/2015 until 17/02/2016.

Objective of the consultation

In August 2015, the Commission published a Roadmap pdf for the initiative ‘A new start to address the challenges of work-life balance faced by working families’ to replace the 2008 Commission proposal to revise the 1992 Maternity Leave Directive. The objective for this initiative included in the 2016 Commission Work Programme is to increase the participation of women in the labour market by improving the current EU legal and policy framework and adapting it to today's labour market to allow for working parents and people with dependent relatives to better balance family and work life, allow for a greater sharing of care responsibilities between women and men, and to strengthen gender equality.

The purpose of this consultation is to gather views on the development and implementation of a range of possible tools at EU-level to support work-life balance.


Link to results online.

The information and views contained are those of the authors and do not reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission's behalf may be held responsible for the content and the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Reference documents

The Background document pdf(571 kB) for the public consultation

Roadmap: New start to address the challenges of work-life balance faced by working familiespdf

Contact details

Questions regarding the consultation can be emailed to the address below.
Responsible service: European Commission, Directorate-General Justice and Consumers, Gender Equality Unit (JUST D.2)

Data Protection Disclaimer

Received contributions, together with the identity of the contributor, will be published on the Internet, unless the contributor objects to publication of the personal data on the grounds that such publication would harm his or her legitimate interests. In this case the contribution may be published in anonymous form. Otherwise the contribution will not be published nor will, in principle, its content be taken into account.
For further information on privacy rulings for this public consultation see the following Specific Privacy Statementpdf(19 kB) .

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