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Commission brings together non-confessional organisations to discuss "Migration, integration and European values: putting values into action"

Today, European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans hosted a high-level meeting with ten representatives from philosophical and non-confessional organisations from across Europe.

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Fundamental rights

date:  30/06/2016

See alsoPress release

This seventh annual high-level meeting discussed the topic "Migration, integration and European values: putting values into action". The meeting took place within the framework of the ongoing dialogue with churches, religions, philosophical and non-confessional organisations based on Article 17 of the Lisbon Treaty.

First Vice-President Timmermans said: "At a time when European societies are marked by a sense of crisis, it is essential to put our values into action. Nowhere is this discussion more relevant than with regards to migration and integration. Values cannot be imposed, they must be passed on and embraced across generations and communities, and we need to find concrete ways to achieve this. Because of their engagement in their respective communities, non-confessional organisations are among those who can provide concrete ideas to move this discussion forward."

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