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Final adoption of new rules to cut red tape on citizens' public documents

Today the European Parliament has adopted the regulation, proposed by the Commission, to cut costs and formalities for citizens who need to present a public document in another EU country.

date:  09/06/2016

Currently, citizens moving to or living in another EU country must obtain a stamp to prove that their public documents (such as a birth, marriage or death certificate) are authentic. Under the new regulation, this stamp and the bureaucratic procedures linked to it will no longer be required when presenting public documents issued in one EU country to the authorities of another EU country.

The regulation deals only with the authenticity of public documents, so Member States will continue to apply their national rules concerning the recognition of the content and effects of a public document issued in another Union country.

"We have good news for people who move to another EU country for example to study or work," said Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality. " These citizens often need to go through costly and time-consuming bureaucratic procedures to present a public document to get married or obtain a job in the country they live in. Today, we put an end to this red tape and help people move easily across the European Union.

For more information

Press release

Factsheetpdf(465 kB)

Free circulation of public documents

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