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Media Seminars - Stopping discrimination against Roma

The European Commission, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers hosted a series of media seminar to bring together journalists, local authorities and representatives of Roma communities. The seminars helped to challenge the stereotypes widely used about Roma in the media by building closer communication between reporters, communities, local authorities and local organisations.

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Tackling discrimination

date:  15/02/2016 - 30/06/2016

Media seminar taking placeThe Media Seminars were the first to be carried out by the European Commission bringing international and local journalists together with members of the Roma community across eight countries.

The eight seminars took place between February and June 2016 in Bucharest, Romania; Budapest, Hungary; Sofia, Bulgaria; Strasbourg, France; Brno, Czech Republic; Košice, Slovakia; Berlin, Germany and Rome, Italy.

Watch the short video here to find out what was achieved during the for Roma, with Roma media seminars.

Roma Ambassadors from all eight counties shared their stories with Journalists at the media seminars. The stories can be downloaded here.

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