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International Roma Day

Tomorrow, 8 April 2016, the European Commission marks International Roma Day by reaffirming its commitment to the inclusion and equal treatment of all Roma people across the EU.

date:  07/04/2016

The Roma community, Europe's largest ethnic minority, is still confronted with exclusion, inequality and discrimination. The complete and equal access to quality education, jobs, housing and healthcare are out of reach for many Roma in the EU.

On the occasion of the International Roma Day, Vice-President Frans Timmermans, together with Commissioners Vĕra Jourová, Marianne Thyssen and Corina Creţu, stressed that the marginalization and exclusion of EU citizens of Roma ethnicity is not in line with the founding values of the European Union enshrined in the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

In the statement, the Commissioners acknowledged the progress made by the European institutions and by EU Member States in tackling Roma discrimination and in ensuring the effective integration of Roma at national and local levels.

The EU will continue to support national authorities and local stakeholders in their work to protect the Roma's fundamental rights through Europe 2020 Strategy, media and educational activities, new financial framework 2014-2020, and monitoring of the Roma National Integration Strategies.

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