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2015 Annual Report on the application of the Charter

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Fundamental rights

date:  19/05/2016

On 19 May 2016, the 2015 report on the application of the EU charter of fundamental rights(5 MB)  was adopted. It consists of a main communication (797 kB) and a staff working document . It gives an overview of instances where European institutions took into account the Charter in their legislative and policy work in 2015, such as the measures put forward to better manage migration at EU level (European Agenda on Migration) or to reinforce security (the European Agenda on Security). It also showcases legislative proposals promoting fundamental rights agreed in 2015, such as the data protection reform package, the Directives on the presumption of innocence and the right to be present at trial and on special safeguards for children in criminal proceedings and the Victims’ Rights Directive.  Finally, it provides examples of how the Charter was applied in and by Member States when implementing Union law and presents main case law developments.

The 2015 report included a special focus on the first Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights, which took place on 1-2 October 2015 on the topic ‘Tolerance and respect: preventing and combating Antisemitic and anti-Muslim hatred in Europe’ Some 300 participants - local, national and EU policymakers, international and civil society organisations, religious and community leaders, equality bodies, representatives from the worlds of education, work and media, as well as academics and philosophers - examined the reasons behind the surge in Antisemitic and anti-Muslim incidents in Europe, identified ways to address these worrying trends, and agreed to join forces to counter hatred and encourage a culture of inclusive tolerance and respect. The 2015 Colloquium resulted in a concrete list of actions , whose implementation is reported in the focus section.

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