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EU Platform of Diversity Charters


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Platform news

Opening event of the fifth European Diversity Month – join us on 25 April!

The opening event of the 5th European Diversity Month is just around the corner! Join us in person or online on 25 April, listen to inspiring discussions and have your own say on what is important for diversity and inclusion!


Local authorities shortlisted for the 2024 European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award

Almost 70 local authorities across the European Union applied for this year’s European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award - 15 of them made it to the final round. The winners will be announced at the Award Ceremony that will take place on 25 April 2024 – registrations are still open.


News from the Diversity Charters

Berlin Conference to Seek Practical Ways to Retain Women in Tech Workforce

Despite significant investment and prioritisation in EU policies, the percentage of women working in ICT professions has only grown from 17% to 18.5% in the last 7 years. CEPIS DiversIT Charter and the German Informatics Society, together with the Fraunhofer ICT Group, and supported by #SheTransformsIT, are organising a conference to try to find solutions to this lack of meaningful progress in retaining female tech talent.

EU Diversity Charter in Hungary (video)

The Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) organized its annual Diversity Award and Charter Signing Gala at the end of last year.


Yettel, IBM and Paysafe are the winners of the prestigious Diversity at Work award in Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria, 25 March 2024 The new winners of the prestigious Diversity at Work Awards were announced at a prominent ceremony on 19 March. The big winner is Yettel Bulgaria, IBM Bulgaria ranked second and Paysafe Bulgaria took the third place. A total of 15 companies had submitted their DEI programmes in the Annual Responsible Business Awards, the 21st edition of the prestigious national competition for corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and diversity, organised by the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF).


EU Diversity Panel Discussion by the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum and Corvinus University of Budapest

Close to 100 university students participated in the round table discussion organized in the framework of the collaboration between Corvinus University Budapest and the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum.


Inclusive Workplace. Diversity Certification Scheme

We are thrilled to announce a dynamic collaboration between Diversity Charter Greece and Eurocert, marking the beginning of an exciting partnership that holds great promise for both entities and the communities we serve.

Joint Effort in the Budapest Business Sphere to Support the Proportional Composition of Leading Bodies and the Participation of Women

The Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT), the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) and the Institute of Directors (IoD) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 7 March 2024 in Budapest, Hungary to support diversity in the decision-making bodies of domestic companies.


EU Diversity Month: planned activities in Italy

Sodalitas Foundation (The Italian Diversity Charter) has planned the following initiatives to celebrate the Diversity Month in our Country

3M people reached in Spain Campaign “Zero Discrimination at Work”

On March 1 the Spanish Diversity Charter and their signatories celebrated the International Day of Zero Discrimination. A date that aims to promote equal rights and opportunities for all people, regardless of their ethnic origin, nationality, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability or any other individual, social or cultural condition.


Neurodiversity Day: 'UNDERSTANDING Neurodiversity / BUILDING a strong professional environment with a wide range of competences'

Diversity Charter Greece and MOTODYNAMIKI, joined forces and held the Diversity Day on Neurodiversity.


Signatories of Slovak Diversity Charter discussed the topics of workplace inclusion

The Annual Meeting of the Slovak Diversity Charter’s Signatories was dominated by inclusion topics – language that addresses everyone and leadership that does not exclude anyone.


Celebrate Diversity Month together with the Polish Diversity Charter!

Diversity Month is the largest event implemented by the Diversity Charter in Poland in support of anti-discrimination in the workplace. Each year, the event brings together experts in diversity management and those working on behalf of people at risk of exclusion and discrimination. This year Responsible Business Forum launches two events - the Inauguration of Diversity Month on April 23, 2024 in Wroclaw and the Closing Event on May 21 in Warsaw.


International Women’s Day Event Focusing on Generations at the Workplace

When it comes to any great collaboration, it’s crucial that we understand each other: the International Women's Day event of the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum and Baker McKenzie on 13 March 2024 in Budapest, Hungary put the cooperation of different generations in the spotlight.


Inclusive Communication for business, and inclusive leadership WORKSHOP

The Inclusive Communication for Business Workshop, which took place in the framework of the N.I.C.E. Neutral and Inclusive Communication in Corporate Environments project co-funded by the EU, was successfully completed.


DiverCity Career Fair

An open invitation to all civil society organisations, businesses and job seekers was issued by the DiverCity Career Fair organised in the framework of the European project PROGEDI, with the active participation of Diversity Charter Greece.

"Encountering Diversity: Women in Modern Business" Conference in Thessaloniki

With great success was organised the Conference "Encountering Diversity: Women in Modern Business," which took place on Women's Day in the vibrant city of Thessaloniki.


This is the EU Platform of Diversity Charters Newsletter of the Justice and Consumers Newsroom.

EU Platform of Diversity Charters is funded by the European Commission under the project ‘Support for voluntary initiatives promoting diversity management at the workplace across the EU’. This newsletter has been prepared for the European Commission by the national Diversity Charters. However, it reflects the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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