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Overview   Funding opportunities

Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational e-Justice projects

Are you looking for EU funding for projects to become part of the European e-justice area? Under the JUSTICE programme 2.8 million EUR are available for national and cross-border projects to facilitate effective and non-discriminatory access to justice for all, including by electronic means (e-Justice), by promoting efficient civil and criminal procedures.

Call for proposals to promote gender equality

Destined to: Member State governments, local and regional authorities and their associations, equality bodies, civil society organisations, in particular women’s rights organisations, and other stakeholders

Call for proposals on Town-Twinning and Networks of Towns

Would you like to develop a town-twinning project or a network of towns in an EU context? The Commission makes 11 million Euro available for transnational projects promoting exchanges between citizens from municipalities of different countries. These projects will give citizens the chance to broaden their perspective and to develop a sense of European belonging and identity. At the same time these projects will encourage the active cooperation and exchange between municipalities.

Call for proposals on European remembrance

With 8 million euro the European Commission will support projects that commemorate defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among Europeans of their shared history, culture, heritage and values.