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European Commission at World Pride Madrid 2017

Today, the European Commission is participating in the International Human Rights Conference, which is taking place in Madrid as part of World Pride 2017. Irena Moozova, Director for Equality and Union Citizenship, will represent the European Commission at the conference. This is a sign of the Commission's constant commitment to combatting the discrimination of LGBTI people in the EU.

date:  28/06/2017

In light of the 2017 World Pride festivities, the Commission is proud to announce the publication of two reports. These contain enlightening and inspiring information on how to advance LGBTI equality.

The first report, Business case report on good practices of cities and regions to promote LGBTI equality, highlights policy initiatives and good practices being implemented by regional and municipal authorities in 10 cities across 8 EU countries. It looks at ways to make cities safer and more inclusive for LGBTI people.  

The report shows that greater inclusion and diversity can be highly beneficial; not only for LGBTI people but also for local communities. It underlines the fact that organising LGBTI-specific events works especially when it comes to tourism. Such events give an increased visibility to LGBTI people, as well as the issues they face in the wider society. At the same time, such events also allow local communities to enjoy the economic benefits of increased tourism.

The second report, Data collection in relation to LGBTI people, provides information about the existing data in relation to LGBTI people.  It also highlights the importance of collecting such data. The Commission wants to show that it is possible to collect data in a responsible way and with full respect to privacy. Indeed the collection of such data is necessary in order to advance LGBTI equality. Data is knowledge, and knowledge is a crucial driver of change – even for assessing change. Without data it is impossible to evaluate the impact of policies on the everyday lives of LGBTI people.

By presenting these two reports, the Commission is stating its commitment to standing against discrimination and promoting LGBTI equality and inclusion. #EU4LGBTI

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Business Case report on good p...
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Data collection in relation to...
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