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Premium HBLF X Mentor Executive Workshop on Risk Management

The international X Mentor Executive program, launched by the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum, provides both mentors and mentees with structured training and a chance for close collaboration across organizations and sectors. During its year-long mentorship, HBLF also offers workshops on topics related to career building: the second premium workshop of the HBLF X Mentor Executive program was hosted by KPMG Hungary and focused on risk management in practice.

date:  13/02/2024

Elek Votin, Risk Management Partner, KPMG Hungary explained the basics, then introduced a case study, while Miklós Gerencsér, Senior Consultant of KPMG Hungary, gave a presentation on issues related to cyber security.

In the light of the new European Union directive—according to which the underrepresented gender must reach a minimum of 33% in the executive board in listed companies—the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum launched its X Mentor Executive program in 2023. The international mentorship program connects the next generation of female leaders with senior, international, and local decision-makers to provide participants with honest, personalized advice and valuable feedback, specifically focusing on the development of newly appointed board members and partners who are about to be promoted. 

We are happy to share that, while the 2023-24 season of our mentorship continues successfully, the application for our 7th HBLF X Mentor program starts in January with another excellent mentor team.

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