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Discussing reporting of antisemitic incidents at 'European Conference on Antisemitism' in Vienna

18 April 2023 - At the 'European Conference on Antisemitism' organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry for EU and Constitutional Affairs, special envoys and coordinators combating antisemitism across Europe met to discuss practical ways to strengthen reporting and develop a common methodology on the recording of antisemitic incidents.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  12/05/2023

Following the signature of Bulgaria and Croatia, 13 countries have signed the Vienna Declaration.

Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission Coordinator combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, delievered the closing remarks and stated:

"Antisemitism has to be made visible. The Commission sees todays High-level meeting on antisemitic hate crime, the 'European Conference on Antisemitism', and the Vienna Declaration as crucial. The aim is to align methodologies to record antisemitic incidents."

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