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EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism takes part in delegation meeting HRH Felipe VI of Spain

21-22 March 2023 - EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, participated in an audience with HRH Felipe VI of Spain as part of a joint delegation of the World Jewish Congress and Special Envoys Combating Antisemitism. They discussed the richness of Sephardic life and heritage as well as ways to address the rise of antisemitism globally.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  29/03/2023

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Ahead of the Spanish EU Presidency, Special Envoys met for a joint working-session together with the WJC Executive Committee to discuss recently adopted national plans on combating antisemitism. The discussions also centered around the role of youth and women empowerment within the context of Jewish communities and rising challenges of antisemitism online linked to artificial intelligence.

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