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European Commissioner Vice-Presidents address EUJS EU Activism Seminar 2023

European Commission Vice-Presidents Schinas and Jourová met with Jewish students as part of the EU Activism Seminar organised by the European Union of Jewish Students to discuss EU policies that have a direct impact on Jewish life in Europe and beyond.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  09/03/2023

Vice-President Margaritis Schinas, Commissioner for Promoting our European Way of Life, addressed the rise of antisemitism and Holocaust denial, distorsion and trivialisation across the continent and stressed the importance of fighting all manifestations of antisemitism, at all levels of life. Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, presented the EU efforts on fighting online disinformation and antisemitism in order to ensure the security of Jewish people in the digital world as well. (Photos: © Fran Friedrich)


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