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First report on the application of data protection rules for EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies

A report on the application of the Data Protection Regulation for the European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.

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Data protection

date:  14/10/2022

See alsoFirst report

On 14 October the Commission published a report on the application of data protection rules for EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. The report presents an overview on the application of the EUDPR by EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (EUIBs) and on the EDPS’s activities. The report also analyses the application of the chapter applicable to EU bodies and agencies carrying out activities within the scope of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. The report concludes that, overall, the EUDPR is working well and is fit for purpose. It points to possible targeted amendments to the legislative framework in order to improve legal certainty and complete the framework for the processing of operational data by EU bodies and agencies within the scope of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. The report contains also a list of other actions for the Commission as well as for the EDPS and the EUIBs to ensure the effective application of the EUDPR.

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