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Making antisemitism visible: towards a common methodology to record antisemitic incidents in the EU

18 - 19 May 2022 - Given the rise of antisemitic incidents, Austria invited to the 'European Conference on Antisemitism' Member States to unite their forces to not only denounce the scourge of antisemitism, but also to aim at developing a standardized methodology for recording of antisemitic incidents. This is one of the actions featured in the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  03/06/2022

See alsoVienna Declaration signing

The Conference brought together special envoys and coordinators on combating antisemitism, Jewish communities as well as members of the European Commission working group on hate crime that EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) facilitates. The event was hosted by Austrian Federal Minister for EU and Constitutional affairs, Karoline Edtstadler.

To date, special envoys and coordinators from 11 EU Member States (AT, DE, CR, ES, HU, IT, LV, LU, NL, ROM, SK) have joint the avant-guard group to develop the methodology by signing the Vienna Declaration denouncing antisemitism, highlighting the threat to our democracy, promoting knowledge sharing and developing a common methodology for recording antisemitic incidents. Further Member States are expected to join.

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